AABH Hotels Booking Pages

AABH Hotels Booking Pages2024-04-15T18:41:20+12:00


Booking Status – booking status is related to a reservation status (whether reservation is confirmed, pending, cancelled, etc.)

Available statuses:

  • Confirmed – reservation is confirmed to the client and with the provider.
  • Pending Confirmation / On Request
    • Reservation is pending with the provider (reservation status with provider is “on request”. Provider reference is showing on the booking) OR
    • Reservation is not not confirmed with the provider (Provider reference missing on the booking)
    • E-mail notifications: Automated email is sent to the client for “on request” pending reservation. Once the status is updated, the automated email should be sent to the client.
  • Rejected – reservation is showing as rejected for the client. Rejected status can be updated automatically once provider amends the status on their website OR reservation status can be updated manually by customer service staff. E-mail notifications: Automated email is sent to the client notifying agent about rejected reservation status.
  • Failed
  • Partially Confirmed – this status means that one or more rooms on the booking are not confirmed (one or more rooms on the reservation are showing with “on request” status with provider OR provider reservation is missing for one of the rooms – possibly no reservation is made with the provider). E-mail notifications: Email is sent to the client advising that one or more rooms on the booking are “on request”. Once the status for the rooms is updated, client will receive an email advising them about the new status.
  • Cancelled – status means that the booking has been cancelled . This status can not be amended manually but you would need to cancel the reservations through Actions => Cancel
  • Pending Cancellation – status can not be amended manually (reservation amend screen). You can change the status to Cancelled through Actions => Cancel=> Force Cancellation. Please see more information about Force Cancellation mechanism.
  • Initialised
  • Error


In order to open (view) a booking click on the eye symbol. If you click on the booking reference you will enter inside as well.

Once inside of a booking you will see following tabs on the left side:

  • Overview – all general detail of the booking
  • Accounting – accounting documents for a selected booking
  • Profit – profit chain

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In order to amend a booking click on the pen symbol:

A new tab “Edit Booking xxx. Item 1.” will open an you will be able to amend necessary fields.

Sections/fields that you will be able to amend depend on the agent permissions. Available sections are: general, hotel booking, room section, cancellation policy contact, markups.

Amending Markups section:

  • To amend the markup, click on the pencil icon (Edit):
  • When you clicked on the Edit icon you will be able to update a price or markup %. You will notice several icons on the right side of each MU line. Icon explanation:
    • Append step – adding a step in markup chain
    • Update – updates only the current step values (price and actual markup). None of the other lines are affected.
    • Update all – if edit all the lines and click update all it updates all values in all the MU lines, with the actual markup based on the different values
    • Cancel

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When you are inside of the booking view, under the Menu there are several features available for you:

  • Amend – ability to amend a booking (more information can be found under Amend Booking page
  • Cancel – an option to cancel a booking
  • Email – an option to send the email confirmation – NOT WORKING CURRENTLY!
  • Add service – ability to add additional hotel booking under the same reservation
  • Voucher – an option to send a voucher


  1. You can select “force cancellation” ONLY if the reservation is already cancelled on the provider’s website. Under no circumstances should “force cancellation” be used if booking is still confirmed on the provider website.
  2. If you use “force cancellation” before booking is cancelled on the provider website, reservation status will be cancelled on the system but not with the provider.


You can use “force cancellation” ONLY if the reservation is cancelled on the provider’s web site.

When your mark Yes checkbox “Force Cancellation” a sentence “I Agree” will appear. In order to submit, both check-boxes need to be checked.


To create a manual booking the user needs to go under the “Bookings”. Once inside of the bookings window click on the “Actions” button located on the right side and select “Manual Booking” from the drop down list.

A new tab will open “Manual booking wizard. Step 1”.

  • Under “Account name” add the name of the account that the booking will be assigned to. By default account name will show of the account user is logged in.
  • Under “Service Type” select appropriate service.

Click “Submit”.

A new tab “Manual booking” will open where the user will need to add all required details to create a manual booking:

  • General
    • Account name – name will by default show the account that was added on the previous step (Step 1).
    • Agent Name – select the agent name from the drop down list
    • Agency reference – this is an optional field
  • Hotel Booking
    • Item Agency Reference
    • Hotels – hotel can be selected from the drop-down list. The user needs to start typing the name of the hotel and the list of the hotels available on the system will appear and the user needs to select the hotel.
    • Check in date
    • Check out date
    • Hotel name (manual) – hotel name can be typed manually
    • Hotel address (manual)
    • Hotel phone (manual)
  • Room Section

Following properties are mandatory:

    • Room name – manually add room name
    • Board – select board from the drop down list
    • Provider – select correct provider from the drop down list. By clicking on the filed a list of providers in the system will show. The user can type the name (letters) of the provider and select it from the list. If the provider is not available add provider “manual”.
    • Provider reference
    • Status – select correct booking status from the drop down list
  • Cancellation Policy

To add the cancellation policy click on the “Actions” button and “Add New”.

Click on cancellation date field and on the calendar select correct dates. Add amount value and currency and click “Save”. Policy can be amended or deleted by clicking on the “three dot” icon.

  • Remarks

To add remarks click on the “Actions” button and “Add New”. When you added remark type and remark content click on “Save” button.

  • Guests

To add a guest/s click on “Actions” button and “Add New”. Add all necessary details (title, first & last name) and click “Save”. To add additional guest just add new line by clicking again “Add New”. For a child it is important to indicate the birth year. Furthermore, to indicate the primary (lead) guest click on the check-box “Is Primary”.

  • Contact

Add the contact details of the passenger/s. Only country is mandatory property in this section.

  • Markups
    • Markups need to be added from bottom to the top.
    • To add a markup click on the pencil (edit) icon located on the right side of the line. Markups are being added one line at the time.
  • On the first markup line add the provider price and choose correct currency and to save it by clicking the play (update) button.
  • On the second line either add the price or markup % and click on the update button
  • If additional line needs to be added click on the “append step” icon.
  • When all the sections of the manual booking have been filled click on the “Submit” button to create the manual booking.


This document explains how to amend a reservation on Innstant search engine.

1. Log in to Innstant system.

2. Click on Bookings tab located on top navigation bar

Bookings list filter box and the list of bookings will appear.

In order to show all filters under the booking lists filter box click on “Show all filters”.

3. Add a reservation ID or any other suitable data in the appropriate field (for ex. passenger name, booking status, agent name, provider reference, etc.)and press on search button:

4. In order to amend the booking click on the pen icon and select Amend Booking:

5. The one can amend below parameters if a reservation is confirmed:

  • General – Agent name; Agency reference
  • Hotel booking – check-in/check-out date; hotel name, etc.
  • Room Section
  • Cancellation Policy
  • Remarks
  • Guests
  • Contact details
  • Markups

Please click on the Submit button after doing the amendment:

7. If all was done properly at the end of amendment process you will get a confirmation message:

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